Working with the team at Deloitte (lead contractor) we examined the potential governance framework for the Brisbane 2032 Olympics including assisting in literature and agreement reviews to ensure First Nations perspectives and legacy goals were embedded in the...
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Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations- Special Administrator
Marrawah Law’s team members was appointed special administrator of a large Indigenous health corporation on behalf of the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. This involved reviewing all relevant agreements particularly with Commonwealth and Territory...
Queensland Government-Department of Health Queensland- Training re managing conflicts of interest in a culturally appropriate way
Provided culturally appropriate advice to support corporate governance of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee (QATSIETAC) in relation
Queensland Government- Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local government and Planning –Conflict of Interest Toolkit for Councils
Developed a package of resources designed specifically for Indigenous Councils’ elected members to aid their understanding and management of conflicts of interest. Those members are councillors under the Local Government Act 2009, commonly are trustees under...