Providing advice for the Future
Our Principal Solicitor, Leah Cameron, spoke on National Talk Black at Bumma Bippera 987fm via the NIRS - National Indigenous Radio Service about Marrawah Law assisting the Queensland Government with consultation on the draft update to the South East Queensland...
Working with Telstra | Testimonial
At Marrawah Law we are very proud of the work we do. We are particularly proud to provide a unique perspective, especially for our Corporate clients. We are humbled by the feedback we’ve received recently from Telstra for a project we completed for them. Telstra...
Guide to applying for your Director ID
What is a Director ID? A director identification number (director ID) is a unique identifier that a director applies for once and keeps forever. Do I need a Director ID? You'll need a director ID if you're a director of a company, registered foreign company,...
RNTBC Rule book changes explained
New rules about membership and disputes have come into place, and RNTBC's have until 24 March 2023 to make changes. Depending on how often your AGM's are held, you may only have one of two opportunities to make these changes. What are the rules? Gaining membership:...
AITSIS Summit 2022
This year, in late May, our team attended the AIATSIS Summit on beautiful Kabi Kabi country. We thank the AIATSIS team and the Kabi Kabi people for hosting an informative and inspired conference. The AIATSIS Summit is a unique opportunity for those working in native...
Thinking about your small or medium business goals or structure?
At Marrawah Law, we do a lot of work with small and medium sized businesses. If you are thinking about starting your own business, restructuring, partnering with others or want to check everything is in order, take a look at these helpful tips. Make sure you do your...