Marrawah Law was engaged to review and consult on the Queensland Government’s Shaping South East Queensland regional plan (the Plan). The comprehensive engagement strategy focused on the ongoing development of the Plan as it relates to the many First Nations peoples who call the region home, including those with Traditional Owner rights under the Native Title Act 1999 (Cth) and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld). Marrawah Law worked in conjunction with the Department to draft and execute a First Nations Engagement Strategy in a very short timeframe due to deadlines imposed by relevant legislation. Having completed the detailed strategy and facilitated consultations, Marrawah Law submitted a comprehensive report highlighting the engagement process, outcomes, and the feedback received. Additionally, Marrawah Law undertook a review of the Department’s final draft report and made recommendations as to the inclusion of changes relating to First Nations policy. In finalising the project Marrawah Law is developing a learning objectives toolkit to facilitate knowledge sharing across the Department and guide ongoing engagement with First Nations peoples and Traditional Owners.