The Marrawah Law team are today celebrating both the firm’s progression in the rankings and the recognition of two key personnel in Doyle’s Guide annual listing of Native Title Law firms and practitioners. Marrawah Law has risen to the level of Leading Native Title...
As I reflect on 2020 and the year that was, I am particularly proud of the outcomes we have generated through our continued involvement with Supply Nation. Since it was established in 2009, Supply Nation has grown to support thousands of Aboriginal and Torres...
Listen up… Why Indigenous women lawyers have the edge The overwhelming majority of my staff are Indigenous women. While I’ve made deliberate decisions to employ good Indigenous legal people, I’ve never had the intention to preference women. The reality is that’s how...
I’m the owner of an Indigenous firm and because I’ve been seeing it happen, it always surprises me when I see other businesspeople oblivious to one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy. If you’re one of ‘them’, let me get you up to speed. The past decade...